Offering coaches a training plan for all their students. Avoid headaches for the coach by trusting that we have prepared the most appropriate formula for the progression and satisfaction of their students. Also, their students will be able to see the session from a student’s perspective, knowing what work to be done and the most appropriate tips to achieve the objectives.
- Training plans for coaches, students and individual users who are looking for interesting audiovisual information.
- Training plans in which the following contents will be seen in phases.
- Phase 1:
- Mobility: movements, changes of direction, etc.
- Reaction speed: anticipation, response, etc.
- Distance to the ball: placement, timing, etc.
- Phase 2:
- Technique of all strokes: ground, volley, smash, curl, hook, tray, balloon, etc.
- Timing: synchronization of movements.
- Phase 3:
- Tactics: pair play, individual play, etc. Automate plays to develop our game with total confidence.
- Phase 1: